841 W Central Ave.  Sutherlin, Oregon

Sabbath Morning Church At Study 9:20 AM

Sabbath Morning Worship Service 10:50 AM



This page was updated   030625 PM

Today: Prayer Room is open after church.
***Today: Sabbath School Council Meeting after church.
Today: Church Fellowship Potluck
Tonight: Daylight Savings Time Begins! Turn your clocks ahead one hour.
Tomorrow: 5:30 pm Diabetes Undone Classes begin.
March 12th Wed: 6 pm Prayer Meeting
March 13th Thurs: 1-5 pm Pastor’s Office Hours
March 13th Thurs: 5:30 pm Diabetes Undone Class
March 15th Sabbath: 9:20 a.m. Sabbath School Bible study: “What More Could I Have Done?”
March 15th Sabbath: Offering: Church Budget
March 15th Sabbath: Speaker: Mark Herscher
March 15th Sabbath: “Training for Transformational Discipleship” at the Turning Point Church. Three segments include: 10 am – “Spirit-Led Discipleship” – 11:15 am – “Be a Disciple” – and 2:15 pm – “Be a Disciplemaker.”
March 15th Sabbath: 6:30 pm Folk Mountain Gospel Concert with Don and Donna Mohl at the Roseburg SDA Church.
March 16th Sun: 10 to noon is the VBS Zoom Meeting. Register at https://orad.us/VBS1.


ABC Book and Food Delivery: Order by March 13th for delivery to Roseburg Christian Academy on March 19th from 5-6 pm. Order by March 20th  for delivery to our church on March 25th from 12 -12:30 pm.

See flyer at: .abcflyer.com and click the sale flyer link.

Big Lake Youth Camp Registration is open for Kid Camps (ages 7-17) and Family Camps (for all ages.) Visit www.biglake.org to register or for more details.

Southern OR Christian Women’s Retreat will be at Milo Academy on May 30th to June 1st. The keynote speaker is Kara Johnsson, VP for Administration/Executive Secretary of the Oregon Conference. For details about the schedule, items to bring, and the “Fashion for Compassion” project, and to register, go to ggc.retreat@gmail.com.

Bibles for Cuba Container:

The church board has voted to take part in a church mission project. It is a fundraising effort for a container of Bibles for Cuba. This is a project that MARANATHA Volunteers International is working on. It is already partially funded and we can help finish it out by our contributions. If you wish to do so, please place your contgribution in an offering envelope and mark it for “Cuba-Special Evangelism."  Thank you so much for helping out on this important project!

Sabbath rest is complete today at 6:10 pm
Sabbath rest begins next Friday at 7:17 pm

School Report: The School Board will be doing an in-person interview with a potential teacher on March 18th. Please be praying for those involved, for the Holy Spirit to guide our decisions and for His will to be done.

***** Camp Meeting Fundraising Update: *****

As we enter the final month of crowdfunding for Camp Meeting 2025, our latest financial reports show that we have raised just over $118,000 of our $390,000 goal! These final weeks are a crucial time for us to come together and ensure that this event will be possible this year.

As Oregon Conference VP for Education, Ron Jacaban, shared:

“We often look at big achievements – a successful business, a major scientific breakthrough, or a movement that changes the world – and think they happen because of a few extraordinary individuals. But the truth is, big things happen because of the small, consistent contributions of many people.

Think about a puzzle. Each piece on its own may not seem significant, but together they create a complete picture! The same applies to us. No matter who you are or what role you play, your actions, no matter how small, contribute to something greater.

Camp Meeting 2025 is a huge project, and each of us can contribute in our own ways. Whether it’s financially, or volunteering, or spreading the news in your own community and inviting your neighbors, we can come together to make this project great!

Thanks to a generous gift, each dollar given right now will be doubled, up to $150,000. Make your dollars go farther and help our members, young and old, make special memories at this year’s camp meeting by giving today! Give online right now through AdventistGiving.org or write “Gladstone Camp Meeting” on your tithe envelope.

Today: Prayer Room is open after church.
Tonight: 6:30 pm Prophecy Unsealed Series continues at the Roseburg SDA Church.
Tomorrow: 11 am Birthday Brunch at Chen’s Family Dish. All welcome.
Tomorrow: The Car Wash has been Cancelled until further notice due to rainy weather forecast.
March 5th Wed: 6 pm Prayer Meeting
March 6th Thurs: 1-5 pm Office Hours for Pastor Sean
March 8th Sabbath: 9:20 a.m. Sabbath School Bible study: “Rules of Engagement”
March 8th Sabbath: Offering: World Budget/GC
March 8th Sabbath: Speaker: Pastor Sean Murphy
March 8th Sabbath: Church Fellowship Potluck
March 9th Sun: 5:30 pm Diabetes Undone Class  begins. It will run through April 3rd. To register, contact Cheryl Herscher at 541-680-6066.  **Cost is $50 for a workbook and cookbook. If you have taken this class before, and have your materials, there is no cost.

ABC Book and Food Delivery: Order by March 13th for delivery to Roseburg Christian Academy on March 19th from 5-6 pm. Order by March 20th  for delivery to our church on March 25th from 12 -12:30 pm.
Folk Mountain Gospel Program: March 15 at 6:30 with Don and Donna Mohl at the Roseburg SDA Church.
Vacation Bible School.  If you are interested having a VBS Program in 2025, there will be a Zoom Meeting on Sunday, March 16thRegister at: https://orad.us/VBS1It will run from 10 am to noon. After you register, a link will be sent to you to join the Zoom meeting.
Camp Meeting Fundraising: Update… Including matching funds, we have raised $97,300 toward our goal of $390,000. There is more work to be done to reach our goal, yet God has been faithful to see our community through so far, and He can do it again.
Roseburg Better Life SDA Church will host a Dental Van at their church Mid-March through of April. Watch for more details.
School Update: We have two potential candidates for our school. Please pray for wisdom to discern God’s will for our school and for the potential teacher.

  What Does a Prayer Weigh?

A poorly dressed lady walked into a grocery store. She looked defeated. She approached the owner and humbly asked if he would let her charge a few groceries. She quietly explained that her husband was very sick and unable to work. They had seven children and they needed food. The owner scoffed at her and asked her to leave. Still thinking about her family she said, “Please sir, I will bring you the money as soon as I can.” The owner told her he couldn’t give her credit, she didn’t have an account at his store. There was another customer standing nearby who overheard their conversation. He approached them and said he would get whatever she needed. Reluctantly, the owner asked, “do you have a grocery list?” “Yes, sir,” the lady replied. “Okay,” he said, “put your grocery list on the scales and whatever the list weighs, I will give you that amount in groceries.” The lady hesitated a moment, bowing her head. Then she reached into her purse, took out a piece of paper and wrote something on it. She laid the paper on the scale, her head still bowed. The eyes of the owner and the other customer went wide with amazement. The scales went down and stayed down. The owner said, “I can’t believe it.” The customer smiled as the owner started putting groceries on the other side of the scales. The scales didn’t balance so he continued adding more and more groceries until the scales couldn’t hold anymore. The owner grabbed the paper from the scales and looked at it in amazement. It was not a grocery list, but a prayer that read: “Dear Lord, You know my needs. I leave this in Your hands.” The owner gave her the groceries and stood in silence. Sometime later, the owner discovered the scales were broken.
Only God knows how much a prayer weighs. Never underestimate the power of prayer.

Sabbath rest is complete today at 6:01 pm
