841 W Central Ave. Sutherlin, Oregon
Sabbath Morning Church At Study 9:20 AM
Sabbath Morning Worship Service 10:50 AM
This page was updated 011025 PM
Today: Prayer Room is open after church.
Today: Church Fellowship Potluck
Jan 15th Wed: 6 pm Prayer Meeting. You are invited to join those who meet to pray for requests and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
Jan 16th Thurs: 1-5 pm Office Hours for Pastor Sean
Jan. 18th Sabbath: 9:20 a.m. Sabbath School Bible study:” To Be Pleasing to God”
Jan. 18th Sabbath: Offering: Church Budget
Jan. 18th Sabbath: Speaker: Mark Herscher
Jan. 19th Sun: 8 am Men’s Ministry Breakfast hosted by the Roseburg Better Life Church Men’s Ministry Dept. Speaker is Brundee LaPorte discussing Adventist History and Heritage.
Big Lake Certificates are available! If you are interested in sending a child to Big Lake, contact Nona at 541-643-7970.
Diabetes Undone Class is tentatively scheduled for March 9 to April 3, with two classes per week. If you would like to volunteer to be a helper or attendee, contact Mark Herscher at 541-529-9238.
Leftover Cards? If you have cards that you don’t want to keep, give them to Pat Wilson. She shares them with the Nursing Home for crafts.
Raining Day Reading: There are many free books and magazines in the Narthex. If you like mission stories, the Mission 360 magazines are excellent. Spirit of Prophecy books are available to take home and read and/or share with someone. There are Bibles, Morning Watch books and a variety of magazines. Please take a moment and check them out.
Food For Thought
“God cannot work through us miraculously while we are unconverted. It would spoil us; for we would take it as an evidence that we were perfect before Him. Our first work is to become perfect in His sight, by living faith claiming His promise of forgiveness.” Letters and Manuscripts, Vol 17, 1902, EGW.
School Update: The school board is moving forward and we are in the process of finding a teacher. Please pray for our teacher search and praise God as He leads in the future of our school.
Bottle Drop Refund Fundraising: For the fiscal year 2024-2025, the school benefitted in the amount of $1,885.00. ($875 from the Bottle Drop Program and $1,010.00 in matching funds.) Praise the Lord! Thank You! for your participation.
“Satan may whisper “you are too great a sinner for Christ to save.” While you acknowledge that you indeed sinful and unworthy, you may meet the tempter with the cry, “by virtue of the atonement, I claim Christ as my Savior.
I trust not to my own merits, but to the precious blood of Jesus, which cleanses me.
This moment I hang my helpless soul on Christ.” The Christian life must be a life of constant, living faith.An unyielding trust, a firm reliance upon Christ, will bring peace and assurance to the soul.” Messages to Young (and young at heart) People, Pages: 111-112
Sabbath rest is complete today at 4:57 pm
Today: Prayer Room is open after church.
Today: Sabbath School Council Meeting after church. Meet by the Organ.
Tomorrow: 11 am Birthday Brunch at Chen’s Family Dish.
Jan 8th Wed: 6 pm Prayer Meeting. You are invited to join those who meet to pray for requests and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. We will start the year going through chapter 17 in the book of John.
Jan 9th Thurs: 1-5 pm Office Hours for Pastor Sean
Jan. 11th Sabbath: 9:20 a.m. Sabbath School Bible study:” Covenantal Love”
Jan. 11th Sabbath: Offering: Religious Liberty
Jan. 11th Sabbath: Speaker: Pastor Sean Murphy. This will be Communion Sabbath.
Membership transfers: Second Reading for Maryanne Anderson from Sutherlin to Yoncalla SDA Church and Britt Dinnetz from Sutherlin to Better Life SDA Church, Roseburg.
Big Lake Certificates are available! If you are interested in sending a child to Big Lake, contact Nona at 541-643-7970.
Diabetes Undone Class is tentatively scheduled for March 9 to April 3, with two classes per week. Please be prayerful about how you may help with this series.
Raining Day Reading: There are many free books and magazines in the Narthex. If you like mission stories, the Mission 360 magazines are excellent. Spirit of Prophecy books are available to take home and read and/or share with someone. There are Bibles, Morning Watch books and a variety of magazines. Please take a moment and check them out. And stop by the library to check out the books, tapes, and Bible Study materials.
From: “Coming of the Comforter” By LeRoy E. Froom
“There is not a truth we need to know into which the Holy Spirit is unprepared to guide us. And we never get beyond that need.
There was a guide in the deserts of Arabia who was said never to lose his way. He carried in his breast a homing pigeon with a fine cord attached to its leg.
When in doubt as to the path to take, he tossed the pigeon into the air, and the pigeon quickly strained at the cord as it tried to fly in the direction of home.
So, it led its master unerringly home, and people called him the ‘dove man.’ Similarly, the Holy Spirit is the heavenly dove, able and willing to lead us if only allowed to do so.”
“We can attain to an understanding of God’s Word only through the illumination of that Spirit by which the Word was given.” Steps to Christ – pg. 114
Sabbath rest is complete today at 4:44 pm